Lights Camera Impact with Andre Saballette and Donald Manigly
BoatHouse’s own Andre and Don appeared on the Never Been Promoted Podcast!
Mario’s Musings (Anniversary Edition): Ghostbusters 1 & 2 (40th & 35th Anniversary)
We have a double anniversary post here in this Anniversary Edition of Mar’s Musings. Ghostbusters is 40 years old TODAY and Ghostbusters 2 is turning 35 years old on the 16th (both 1984 and 1989 really were awesome years for movies). I’d rank the first movie in my top five, right behind Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Aliens, and Raiders of the Lost Ark (who are interchangeable as one, two, and three), and the original Star Wars.
Mario’s Musings (Anniversary Edition): Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (35th Anniversary)
We all have issues with our dads; it’s a part of life. We never expect our heroes to have those same issues. And that’s what Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade gave us along with another thrilling adventure with our favorite archeologist. Having turned 35 this year, this is another anniversary post in a year with many anniversaries. So let’s dig in.
(Hey, that was an archeology pun!)